EJP’s Final Reply to Austrian Muslim’s Insults

The following exchange between EJP and Johannes of Austria proves that Koranic Islam is intolerant and thus Islam and Biblical Christianity—having reemerged from the Pope’s Dark Ages with the Bible-based Protestant Reformation—can never live in the same country on equal terms. The exchange further substantiates the Biblical solution to the Islamic problem in the West—that ceaseless agitation deliberately created by the Jesuits and their Papal Knights—, namely the peaceful repatriation of all Muslims to the Islamic nation of their choice. There, they can live under Sharia Law (with the exclusion of Turkey) and never impose their intolerant, bloody religion on those of us White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestants and Baptists who are the world champions of freedom of conscience, speech and press. To permit them into our nations is to court our mass-murder, all for the benefit of the Jesuit Papacy and the Black Pope’s Counter Reformation. For in the final analysis, Koranic Islam is nothing more than “the Sword of the Church of Rome”—as originally intended by Pope Boniface IV (above), the secret founder of Islam in 610 AD!
Dear Mr. Phelps,
Thank you for your gay words.
I have taken some time to reflect on your views of Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, the Jesuits, your barbarian race and so forth.
I have come to the conclusion that you are wrong. Completely wrong in every word that you say, completely wrong in everything you do.
You are a ridiculous piece of white trash and part of a small racist conspiracy that is ultimately going to cost your own life.
God will punish you for the lies you are spreading about him and Jesus, and you should know that his punishment is just.
You are no better than a satanist who spreads lies about Jesus and God, in fact you might be worse, since you pretend to be Christian but are not.
You have yourself become the stereotypical Jesuit that you are trying to portray in your trash literature and your trash radio shows. At the same time you’re a neurotic & choleric idiot who prefers emotions over facts.
Your own radio show members hate you secretly, and are working against you, only you don’t know it. Continue spreading your propaganda, you popish son of a whore, do everything you can to spread your own version of the world. You are part of the abomination, and the whore of babylon is your mother. Just like her you will burn for your sins.
Good luck Eric Jon Phelps, you are gonna have to be very brave! Because hell is a scary place!
Johannes from Austria.