Revised Introduction to “Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy” on LRL

Flavius Josephus

Introduction to Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy

“Welcome to Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy.  This Broadcast is for the spiritual and temporal benefit of my people, the minority Caucasian races of the world including the Angles, Saxons, Celts, Slavs, Teutons, Franks, Normans, Scotch-Irish and every other branch of the White race.  Concerning spiritual matters, this Broadcast is for the edification of White men in preaching the gospel to unsaved White men that they too may obtain salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites.  Spiritually, this broadcast is also for the growth and maturity of White men in Christ, that we may continue to work out our salvation in fear and trembling, knowing that it is God with whom we have to do.

Concerning temporal/political/cultural matters, this Broadcast is also for the preservation of the racially White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Slavic Protestant and Baptist peoples historically used by God to break the power of the pope’s murderous and warring Dark Ages.  We shall be reminded that Caucasian Anglo-Saxon Protestants and Baptists, most of whom were Calvinistic, began the Protestant Reformation which birthed the Modern Era in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia ending the Black Pope’s Thirty Years’ War waged from 1618 to 1648.  Therefore, a defense will be made for the

Avro Arrow CF-105 Canadian Fighter in climbpreservation of the minority, White Caucasian race against its plotted destruction through unbiblical, forced amalgamation and subsequent miscegenation of the races.  Further, a defense will be made for the preservation of the high and lofty, yet simple White language of English used by God to evangelize the all the nations of the earth with English-speaking peoples, especially the British and North American Caucasian peoples.

Further, this Broadcast calls for the voluntary separation of White, Reformation Bible-believing, historic Protestants and Baptists to the establishment of a new nation somewhere in North America to the exclusion of all other races except the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelities.  Being Bible-believing White nationalists, we desire to enjoy the blessing of Genesis 12:1-3, as we bless Abraham’s physical seed through Jacob which descendants may voluntarily live among us while preserving their own Hebrew race.  We then seek to rival the pope’s control over Jerusalem, which includes the removal of his CFR-led, Masonic, Sunni-Islamic, Arab leaders as well as his Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists―covertly working together in dividing the Lord’s land promised to Jacob in Genesis 28:12-15.  For these modern-day, Freemasonic “Assassins and Templars” rule Rome’s revived “Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem,” i.e., Israel, for the benefit of the White Pope overseen by the Black Pope.

Lastly, this broadcast will seek to expose the power of Satan’s Counter Reformation, socialist-communist Company of Jesus now directing every government on earth through high-level, Illuminized Freemasonry.  Its designs and plots will be elucidated with historic, irrefutable citations spanning over 300 years.  All peoples, of whatever race, will benefit if the Biblical principles espoused on this Broadcast are applied to themselves in accordance with the Word of God, the AV1611 Reformation English Bible for English-speaking peoples.  Now, to begin.”

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