Jesuit Coadjutor Alex Jones Refuses to take Questions about “Vatican Assassins”

This will be one of a future series of posts on Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Alex Jones as he continues to reveal his master’s Roman hand. Many reliable men have rightly exposed him to be the fear-mongering shill for Rome that he is, running interference for the Jesuit Papacy. Nearly all of what he states is true as to lower-level facts. Therefore, “eat the meat but throw away the bones.” But when it comes to “Who done it?”, it is all about “the globalists, “the power-brokers,” “the Illuminati,” “the CFR,” “the Trilateral Commission,” “the Bilderbergers,” ad nauseum—with no mention of the Knights of Malta or their Jesuit masters throughout these Satanic, pope-serving organizations.
As far as your Editor is concerned, one of the final straws is Coadjutor Jones’ refusal to field questions from his callers about “Vatican Assassins” as per the video above at about 3:28. Jones is hosting another Brother Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, Lindsey Williams, he also refusing to state the “Elite of the World” are the Jesuits running the Vatican. Williams also tells the bold-faced lie that it is “the moral code of the Elite” to tell the world what they are about to do! Utter falsehood and deception!
Now Alex Jones is clever: he has hosted Chris Pinto on his program several times, Chris rightly exposing the Jesuit Order. This gives Jones “plausible deniability,” that he has addressed the evil of the Jesuit Order. But he will never place the final blame of present world control as to “Who Rules” squarely on the Jesuit-ruled Roman Papacy. This conclusion, he is forbidden to espouse or he will lose his coveted position as the Order’s chief of disinformation agents within the Pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Cartel-Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist, American Empire (1868-Present). Jones’ connection to Papal Knight of St. Gregory/CFR-member Rupert Murdoch (owner of Fox Media Empire) and Jesuit-Georgetown University-trained Knight of Malta Patrick Buchanan seal the deal: Jones works for Rome!
A new video exposing Jesuit Coadjutor Alex Jones to be agent for Rome may be viewed here.