Knights of Malta: Masters of the Pope’s Federal Reserve Bank Using Front Jews

Knight of Malta, Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission Member, Lucas Papademos, 2011
Indeed, the Jesuit Papacy is the secret master of the American Federal Reserve Bank. All American debt (created by the magic wand of unlimited, unsecured credit) IS OWED TO THE JESUIT PAPACY!!!!! All American debtors are slaves to the papacy holding the collateral for that debt—all the land and labor of Rome’s 14th Amendment American Empire (1868-Present). Civil War beneficiary, co-conspirator in the sinking of the Titanic and “Robber Baron” J. Pierpont Morgan was the impetus behind the formation of the bank way back in 1913. And just before that Jesuit “formation,” J. P. Morgan, that Papal Knight of the Order of St. Lazarus, died in Rome (enjoying a 500.00-dollar-a-day hotel suite) while visiting his master, Pope Pius X.
This brings us to the present. Lucas Papademos is now the new prime minister of Greece. He is also a Knight of Malta, a Bilderberger and a member of the Trilateral Commission. Papademos was also a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston—yes, Boston ruled by the Jesuits via their damnable Boston College! This man was also a vice president of the pope’s European Central Bank (necessary in the solidifying of the pope’s revived Roman Empire/EU) and is presently a visiting “professor of public policy” (adept at the seduction of “the public”) at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University—also ruled by the Order via the Council on Foreign Relations. Remember, the New York City-based CFR is ruled by the current Archbishop of New York City who in turn is overseen by the Jesuits at Fordham University in the Bronx!

Knight of Malta Peter G. Peterson, Bilderberger and CFR Presider
So away with the Jesuitical diversion that “the Jews” run the Federal Reserve. Those Masonic Jews (Bernanke, Greenspan, etc.) are nothing more than papal “court Jews” busy serving their Roman master diabolically dubbed “the Vicar of Christ.” The real movers and shakers are behind the scenes advising Rome’s CFR-directed puppets who “take the heat” for the thieving policies of “the Fed.” One of those secret shakers in the past was Jesuit-Georgetown University-trained, CFR magnate and Knight of Malta, Peter G. Peterson, past president of “the Fed” in New York City and a most beloved servant of the Jesuits at Loyola University Chicago!