Occupy Wall Street: Prelude to Jesuit Fascism and Persecution of American Jews

Occupy Wallstreet: Blaming all Jews for the deeds of the Jesuits and their Knights of Malta ruling the banks of New York City, October, 2011
As your Editor has stated for the last ten years, the endgame for the pope’s “Holy Roman” Cartel-Capitalist, Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist, 14th Amendment American Empire (1868-Present) will be a White fascist American Military Dictatorship! There are over six million Jews in North America, all of them slated for “extirpation” by the the Black Pope’s Jesuit Order. The problem is in mobilizing the perishing White Middle Class into the “New Right” movement begun by the Knights of Malta in the 1980s.
But this obstacle has been overcome thanks to both the CFR-controlled Bush and Obama administrations. The kick off was Knight of Malta Edward Cardinal Egan’s 911 black op, demolition and cover-up blaming the Muslims for the inside job of Rome’s Unified American Intelligence Community. Knight of Malta/CFR member and DCI George J. Tenet was the man in charge. For this high treason, Tenet received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Skull and Bones Bush 43 along with co-conspirators General Tommy Franks (crusader/invader of Afghanistan) and the CFR’s American High Commissioner over Iraq, L. Paul Bremer III (creator of the “insurgency” consisting of former Iraqi soldiers!). The war was on: now American debt would skyrocket in financing “the crusade;” tens of thousands of young American soldiers would be killed or crippled for life, and the pope’s Federal Reserve Bank would make trillions from extending its infinite credit to Congress, a credit diabolically created out of thin air.

President Barry Davis Obama: Speaking at Jesuit Georgetown University, 2011
In 2008, Wall Street’s great financial theft from the American people transpired. Millions lost their retirement savings; homes were foreclosed upon, tens of thousands were thrown on the streets, and both the Republicans and Democrats gave tens of trillions of “dollars” to the very banks who imposed the debacle. And yes, President Bush, along with papal candidates McCain and Obama, sought to extend their influence in securing the “bailout,” which, in fact, was the nationalization of the Empire’s foremost banks—ruled by the Jesuits, they also ruling the CFR-controlled American Congress. Yes, the pope’s Wall Street banks and American government are ceaselessly fornicating at the hip intending to birth their blue-blooded, super-bastard—Roman Jesuit Fascism!
With the rigged election of Mulatto Barry Davis Obama (the Empire’s second Masonic Mulatto president, its first being Masonic Warren G. Harding), Obama replaced Bush as Rome’s “puppet” and Biden replaced Cheney as Rome’s “puppet master.” Under the guise of “Change,” (the same mantra by which FDR was elected in 1932—Obama being the second FDR!), the Obama/Biden dictatorship aided by their majority Democratic/minority Republican Congress, has imposed a series of socialist-communist laws (touted as “secular progressive” by those who refuse to tell the real truth on Fascist Fox News!) which have further destroyed the historic White Middle Class born out of the principles championed by the Protestant Reformation. Virtually every law that has passed muster of this repulsive Parliamentary Congress has attacked the historic White Protestant (and White Roman Catholic) Middle Class Americans. The result? They are now organizing into the White Roman Catholic-dominated Tea Party Movement intended to lead the way into “New Right” Jesuit Fascism.
Meanwhile, the Order has set another movement afoot. Overseen by the Jesuits of Fordham University in the Bronx, the “Occupy Wall Street” socialist-communist anarchy has been launched. (In order to impose the designed fascist social “Order” there must first be imposed a well-directed, communist cultural “Chaos.”) It is composed of an existential, left-wing, socialist-communist, “Generation X” group of younger Americans who, imbibed with the religion of socialist-communism from their “god” of collegiate academia, are promoting legalized theft from the rich via the thieving doctrine of “universal equality” as applied to economics—that darling theme of Jesuit-directed Masonic Jew, Karl Marx, the same Marx who utterly hated his own people as per the documentation of Bible-believing pastor Richard Wurmbrand’s Marx and Satan, (1987), page 41!

Louis Farrakhan: Dictator of Black Nation of Islam, Murderer of Malcolm X, 2010
And just what are these amalgamated, God-hating, profane, immoral, slovenly clad, reprobates advocating? Why, it is “the Jews” who are behind the control of Wall Street—the very doctrine of Rome as per her mouthpieces in country, men such as White KKK David Duke, Black NOI Louis Farrakhan, and the majority alternative radio pundits such as Texe Marrs. Never are the Jesuits mentioned!!! The Jews must be blamed for all financial calamities giving impetus to “New Right” Jesuit Fascism secretly intended to be the victor in this game of controlled opposition within a dialectic fully directed by Jesuit coadjutors within and without.
In conclusion, this radical, lawless, “Occupy Wall Street” pandemic heavily promoted by left-wing, CIA-backed, socialist-communists such as Roman Catholic millionaire Michael Moore, Roman Catholic millionaire Nancy Pelosi and Muslim millionaire Barry Davis Obama (directed by Roman Catholic millionaire Joe Biden), will, in the end, after the smoke clears, justify the imposition of the Black Pope’s endgame: ultramontane Jesuit fascism—the Vatican’s openly favorite form of government as stated by Roman Catholic Knight of Malta, German Vice Chancellor and “puppet master” to Austrian Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler, Franz von Papen. In fact, Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Oliver Stone has told us as much in his epic work, JFK: Director’s Cut.
This truth is hidden in plain sight for all to see—as usual.