Rome’s FBI Controlled Martin “Lucifer” King’s Communist Civil Rights Movement
Indeed, the Society of Jesus was the real power behind the anti-White, pro-Black, “Uncivil” Rights Movement of the 1960s. Socialist-Communist Michael King (alias “Martin Luther King” who never legally changed his name—ah, the audacity of taking the name of the great White German Protestant Reformer Martin Luther!) was the visible leader of the movement. As planned, King received coverage from Knight of Malta Henry R. Luce’s CFR-controlled “Lucepress” emanating from Rockefeller Center, across the street from Francis Cardinal Spellman’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. (This is the same Henry R. Luce who purchased the Zapruder Film for 150,000 Federal Reserve Notes (alias “dollars”) and then altered the record of President Kennedy’s CIA/FBI/Secret Service/Mafia assassination, his CIA technicians cutting out two seconds of the film when the presidential limousine came to a complete stop on Elm Street at which time the driver then shot JFK in the head simultaneously with the storm drain shooter.)
Now, our serial adulterer and Black Socialist-Communist Martin “Lucifer” King was controlled by Black Freemason and another Socialist-Communist, A. Philip Randolph, and Randolph, in turn, was controlled by his White “massa,” Cardinal Spellman’s Jesuit John LaFarge. Jesuit LaFarge made sure Spellman was accepted with the pro-Black, anti-White, Rockefeller-financed NAACP as well as the pro-Black, anti-White, Urban League.
This entire Black Communist Movement is nothing more than the Jesuit Order’s religious doctrine of “Social Justice” having sprung from the Order’s perfection of Sir Thomas More’s Utopia-based, Socialist-Communism on the Company’s 59 Paraguayan Reductions in South America (1609-1759) having “managed” over 200,000 Guarani Indian Slaves! From this doctrine springs the Order’s Socialist-Communist “Liberation Theology,” the font for the hatefully racist, anti-White, “Black Theology” espoused by Black hateful racist James Cone (Professor of Systematic Theology “working for the man” at White Apostate Protestant Presbyterian Union Theological Seminary, New York City, Cone’s works being published by Maryknoll’s Roman Catholic imprint ORBIS BOOKS) and espoused by Mulatto Barry Davis Obama’s “pastor” for twenty years, Mulatto Jeremiah Wright, the dear friend of Jesuit Loyola University-trained Chicago Roman Catholic priest, anti-gun Socialist Communist Michael Phleger, the dear friend of Black-on-White Race war promoter, NOI Tribal Chief Louis Farrakhan!
Yes, it is all Jesuit Socialist-Communism wrapped in the garb of hatefully racist, “Black Liberation Theology,” the doctrine of “Social Justice” as applied against the Black Pope’s Counter Reformation target—“heretic” White Protestants and Baptists and “liberal” White Roman Catholics! This same damnable doctrine of Social Justice/Liberation Theology, depicting Jesus as a “Palestinian revolutionary,” is used to incite the Arabs of Israel (enjoying the highest standard of living over all other Arab Muslim states) to hate and kill the Jews of Israel—the Pope’s Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem!

Priest Theodore Hesburgh (2nd from left), President of University of Notre Dame and Cardinal Spellman’s CFR-member, with Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King and another priest, 1963
Both of these controlled, Black adversaries of all American White men (Protestant and Roman Catholic alike—as intended!) would never enable the paramount Biblical solution to be applied to the wounds of both Whites and Blacks of the American Empire (1868-Present), that balm being RACIAL SEPARATION! Oh No! Wicked racial miscegenation under the guise of “racial equality”—i.e., “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!” in repeating the Socialist-Communist cry of the French Revolution, was the mantra of the day providing a pro-Black, anti-White, false moral supremacy to tear apart the remainder of White Protestant culture, especially in the Protestant and Baptist Old South.
The Order, in keeping its centralizing, pro-Black, anti-White, Uncivil Rights Movement on track, made sure there were several Black FBI agents within the orb of the movement. One of those agents was Ernest Withers, now a member of the Black Pope’s hatefully-racist, anti-White, pro-Black, Nation of Islam led by another Freemason and FBI informant, Tribal Chief Louis Farrakhan—one of the conspirators in the murder of the honest Malcolm X after his return from Mecca. Yes, it was Malcolm who stated that the KKK and the NOI “have the same paymasters!” For this, in addition to proving that the Jesuit-ruled False Prophet Elijah Muhammad was a serial pedophile who fathered nine babies to six Black teenage girls, Malcolm was shot down like a dog in Audobon Ballroom in New York City, the murder carried out on orders of White Devil Francis Cardinal Spellman via the FBI, the NOI and the NYPD!
Now we must ask ourselves in light of the above, What was the real purpose of the Uncivil Rights Movement as well as the Black Nation of Islam Movement orchestrated by American Jesuits using their obedient Mulattoes such as A. Philip Randolph, W. E. B. Du Bois, Julian Bond, Huey Newton, H. Rap Brown (now a member of the NOI serving a life sentence for killing an Black Deputy Sheriff in Georgia), Angela Davis, Elijah Muhammad, etc.? Those purposes were three-fold:
1. To destroy White Cultural Supremacy and amalgamate the races resulting in miscegenation and the subsequent “mongrelization” of the White Protestant and Baptists of North America creating a nation of Mulattoes incapable of sustaining their inherited White Protestant and Baptist, limited Constitutional government and civilization—no matter how many White Roman Catholics would be affected.

Henry Seeger, Sr., Francis Cardinal Spellman, Lester Granger (National Urban League), Jesuit John LaFarge, 1960
2. To create an atmosphere of hate between the White and Black races, via pro-Black/anti-White federal policies such as “Head Start,” Affirmative Action,” and “Welfare” in giving fornicating Black mothers federal money to raise their numerous Black illegitimate children so as to create huge, lawless, fatherless, Black populations in every major American city that they might be easily agitated to making “war on Whitey” when the order from Rome would be given.

Black Bi-Sexual Will Smith with White Hollywood Whore: The Bitter Fruit of 60 Years of Forced Miscegenation—to Rome’s Delight!
3. And most important of all, to further centralize power in Washington, D.C., (“Rome on the Potomac”) justifying more income/excise tax money to be spent in creating more federal enforcement agencies, more jobs for Blacks, the giving of more money to Black colleges, etc., further destroying the White Protestant Middle Class while enraging all Whites, little by little via continuous and incessant Black-on-White Crime, so as to have, in the end, a seething White population to act as putty in the hands of a White fascist military dictator overseen by the American Jesuit Power!
Ernest Withers is a traitor to his own Black people of America, a traitor to his Constitutional Republic inherited through the blood, sweat, tears and prayers of the nation’s White Protestant and Baptist founders, and a loyal “BOY” of the Pope of Rome. To read a most revealing article on this child of the Devil, see this site here.
Enjoy and learn!