EJP Replies to Black American Shia Muslim Sheik Omar on Pikkart’s Th.D Thesis

Pope John Paul II Kissing the Koran with Shia Imam

Dear Sheik Omar,

Today you forwarded to me Pieter Pikkert’s 306-page thesis, it being part of the requirements for receiving a Doctorate in Theology in Missiology (the conducting of evangelistic mission work especially among Muslims).  Your Editor considered it somewhat vague and repetitious, but he hit a few nerves that need to be addressed.  Because he apparently has no knowledge of the machinations of Rome in preventing the beloved Arab peoples from hearing the true gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, he has no insights as to why certain White Protestant sects participated in the imperial designs of their Jesuit-ruled, “Protestant” governments, particularly the British and American governments, while attempting to evangelize the Muslim peoples of the Levant.  Therefore, please inform your Muslim friends of the following:

I. Muslims must learn what is truly “Christian” and what is not “Christian.” For a “Christian” believes the gospel resulting in salvation in Christ by grace through faith, and not of themselves or any works which they can do (Ephesians 2:8-9).  A “Christian” holds the Reformation Bible to be his final authority for faith and practice and therefore does not believe in any sort of “works salvation.”  Therefore, the Pope of Rome is not a “Christian.” Roman Catholics are not “Christians.”  Orthodox Christians are not “Christians.”  Protestants who are members of the Pope’s World Council of Churches and National Council of Churches are not “Christians.”  Baptists who are members of the Pope’s World Council of Churches or National Council of Churches are not “Christians.”  If you keep this in mind and never let these peoples in your Muslim countries, you will be much better off.  For I know at least one “Protestant” Presbyterian minister functioning as a “missionary” in Egypt that was an asset for the Pope’s Central Intelligence Agency.  Why would any nationalistic government ever allow anyone of this ilk into their country under such a false religious guise and pretense!

II. Rome has a design in preventing the peoples of the Levant from ever hearing the true gospel of the Crucified, Buried and Risen Lord Jesus Christ.  This is why Rome has used the Masonic leaders of Sunni and Shia Islam to make it a crime to openly evangelize Muslim peoples.  This is why Islam has imposed the death penalty upon those Muslims who convert to the true Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible—to the exclusion of that damnable, false “Jesus Christ on the crucifix” of the Jesuit Papacy.  As an aside, Rome has the same design against the Jews living in Israel, the Jesuit Superior General using his Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists, aided by the Orthodox Jewish Talmudic leaders, to utterly prevent the gospel from being openly preached, especially since the passage of the anti-missionary law in 1977.

III. In limiting the entrance of missionaries to these true, Reformation Bible-believing Christians into a Muslim country, the leaders and peoples can expect the following behavior of these true ministers of the gospel:

A. Their only interest is to preach the Gospel of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.  They are honest and commit no crime.  They do not become public nuisances impairing traffic and commerce via religious exercises, nor do they foment revolutions seeking to change the form of government.

B. These missionaries are financed from their home-country churches and will not be a financial burden to the Muslim nation of their residence.

C. They are not part of any intelligence agency, as all of these spy networks are tentacles of the Jesuit Order’s International Intelligence Community.  Take a lesson from Japan: for over 200 years the only White Protestant missionaries allowed into Japan were the Dutch Reformed who were at war with the Vatican Empire and its Roman Catholic Spanish and Roman Catholic Portuguese navies.

D. They teach new, native believers in-Christ to be honest, good citizens; to be true nationalists fighting for the security of their nation; to utterly repudiate any allegiance to any foreign power.  In other words, a true Christian citizen is never a traitor, as it is deemed a great sin (II Timothy 3:4).

E. They teach believers to respect others of contrary religious beliefs and never convert with the sword as does Roman Catholicism and Islam.  The Bible-believing missionary believes in freedom of conscience, the freedom to believe or not to believe his message, period.

F. They understand why Islam has such an aversion to the name of “Jesus Christ,” namely, that Muslims believe Roman Catholics to be “Christians” and thus it is these wretched “Christians” who created a Muslim bloodbath by means of the Nine Roman Catholic Crusades during the Popes Dark Ages (1095-1291).  These Roman Catholic “Christians” also killed the Muslims during the Inquisition in Spain that ultimately drove all Moors off the peninsula by 1609 AD.

G. These foreign missionaries form self-supporting, native churches so they can ultimately leave the country.  There is no empire-building for their native government.  They seek no permanent resident status, but may, if they truly love the people, chose to become citizens and renounce their previous citizenship.  They know dual citizenship is to be avoided as it creates a divided allegiance destroying Biblical nationalism.

H. These missionaries understand that Islamic persecution of Christians in the past has been fomented by Rome.  Though responsible for their actions, Muslims are to be seen as the violent, yet pitiful tools of the Jesuit Papacy, the Pope wielding his Islamic “Sword of the Church.” This was the case concerning the two Muslim divisions of the Nazi SS raised by Haj Amin al Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, they killing hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Serbian Christians and Jews; this was the case with the “Young Turks” who killed nearly 2 million Orthodox Armenian Christians; this was the case with Yasser Arafat’s PLO that killed not only Jews but Christian Arabs who refused to kill Jews; etc.

I. The principles taught by the Reformation Bible-believing missionaries to native converts, including tolerance of the Jews, will bring blessing to any nation from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  These blessings include food to eat, domestic peace which is the fruit of righteousness, and commercial prosperity.  The nation will begin to grow, there will be much less crime and God will enable it to be at peace with its historic border enemies (Proverbs 16:7).

Any leader of a nation that truly wishes to advance his people would be out of his mind not to allow these missionaries into his country.  The only result can be the betterment of his people, more capital in his treasury, the building of a defensive war machine manned with patriotic soldiers loyal to the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ, his people and his limited government.  For that government worth dying for protects his God-given individual rights to worship according to the dictates of his conscience, a conscience tempered with Bible doctrine without calling for the persecution or death of others not of like precious faith.  God’s blessing of Genesis 12:1-3, as well as His blessing of Romans 10:15, is extended to that nation bringing optimism and cheerfulness which, like a contagion, spreads throughout the land.  The American White Protestant and Baptist South was once this kind of nation.

In conclusion, it is the Devil’s Jesuit Roman Papacy that is behind the incitement of hateful agitation among peoples leading to holy war—Crusades and Jihads.  The free circulation of the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ ends this agitation and war.  And it is for this reason that Romanism and Islam, and yes the intolerant religion of Socialist-Communism—those daughters of the Papacy—utterly forbid the preaching of that glorious gospel of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ when those religions obtain control of any government.  May God deliver us from such heartless political tyranny springing from fanatical spiritual despotism.

Lord Bless dear Sheik Omar,

Brother Eric


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