Roman Catholic Church in Florence: 666 Hexagram with “IHS” in the Center

Here is more proof that the Papacy is the font for the use of the evil Hexagram on its pagan religious temples. Centered in that Hexagram is the symbol of the Jesuit Order as created by Jesuit Superior General Ignatius LoyolaIHS. The murdered and risen Horus proceeds from his female mother Isis: the murdered Pope/Seventh Roman Caesar rising from the dead to be the Eighth Roman Caesar proceeds from the Holy Mother Church. The risen Horus is to then be possessed by Set, the Devil of Egyptian lore: the risen Pope/Eighth Roman Caesar is then to be possessed by Satan according to the Holy Scriptures. Horus then reigns as invincible: the Risen Pope/Eighth Roman Caesar now the Antichrist/Man-Beast then reigns as invincible for 42 months. The entire fulfillment of the Ancient Babylonian Myth perfected in Egypt reflected in the mythology of the personified Isis-Horus-Set (IHS) is but a Satanic copy of the prophesied Antichrist/Man-Beast (Revelation 13:3-10), the coming Eighth Roman Caesar (Revelation 17:10), who will oppose the risen Lord Jesus Christ at His Glorious Second Coming to planet earth.