Ignorant, Plundered and Angry Whites: Tools to Impose Jesuit Fascism, Pt. 2 of 2
In order to fully drive all American Whites into the hands of the Jesuit Order’s Council for National Policy and thus Jesuit Fascism, specific false enemies/ “straw dogs” must be imposed upon the population. The first false enemy/ “straw dog” imposed early on in the 20th Century was “the Communists”—many of whom were Jews. What came to be known as “the Red Scare” justified a host of federal violations of our organic American law. Constitutional limitations were trodden under foot (mass-arrests without warrants) all under the guise of “fighting the communists.” Meanwhile, nobody told us White American Protestant and Baptist peoples that the imposition of Socialist-Communist policies was carried out by CFR-connected, high-level, White Gentile Freemasons subordinated to the White Gentile Jesuit Papacy—hell-bent on submitting every American man, woman and child to the White Gentile Pope’s wicked Temporal Power. Yes, White Gentile Freemason Henry Ford helped build Communist Russia (Gorky)—as well as Nazi Fascist Germany. Yes, White Gentile, Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta William J. Casey helped build Communist Russia (Kama River Truck Factory)—while working with Project Paperclip “ex-Nazis” throughout the Pope’s “national security” apparatus overseen by the Black Pope’s CIA. Meanwhile, the Jesuits, with their damnable, Hoover-led FBI and Jesuit-trained Senator Joseph McCarthy (who intervened for certain Nazis on trial at Nuremberg for the murder of American POWs), raised a hue and cry against “Godless Jew Communism,” all the while building the Red War Machine. For the Soviet War Machine was initially built with 11.3 Billion dollars during FDR’s WWII era of “Lend Lease” (by the way, nothing was “lent” and nothing was “leased”) overseen by CFR/Skull and Bonesman W. Averell Harriman later becoming the US ambassador to Moscow!
The second false enemy/”straw dog” was the collective American Negroes, later termed American Blacks, and now divisively renamed “African-Americans”—which hatefully-racist term your editor refuses to employ. The Order sought to unite all American Blacks into “Left Wing Liberal” Socialist-Communism via “Black Theology” which is nothing more than Jesuit Liberation Theology tailor made for the “Left Wing Liberal, ” Black Socialist-Communist UnCivil Rights Movement. No Black man could be a “Right Wing Conservative,” laisser faire capitalist. Once united under the banner of the Order’s Socialist-Communist, UnCivil Rights Movement, the ignorant and manipulated Blacks (rightfully angry from years of an insult-laden submission, grown Black men being called “boy” by Southern Whites rightfully angered by wicked, pro-Black, anti-White federal policies) were then to be used as a hammer against White Protestant cultural dominance, Biblical segregation of the races, and ultimately to impose Black Cultural Supremacy—which we have today. One notable organization created by wicked White men for the benefit of the Jesuit Papacy was the NAACP. And it is this very same Black Socialist-Communist NAACP that has launched into a tirade against the generally White Tea Party Movement branding it with the favorite epithet of all Black communists—“racist.” As calculated, this attack will further incite the enraged White Middle Class to further righteous indignation, unfortunately leading to “New Right” Jesuit Fascism. Mulatto President Obama’s order to Mulatto Attorney General Eric Holder resulting in the recent dropping of a federal conviction (won against a Majority Savage Black man—the vitriolic, hatefully-racist, leader of Philadelphia’s “New Black Panthers”—for impeding Whites from voting) will further ignite White rage against this second most important “straw dog.” Notice that both enemies have been deliberately created by agents of the Jesuit Order, both are “left wing,” both are Marxian Socialist-Communist, and both are anti-White in general without distinction when comparing the history of White Protestants/Baptists as opposed to the history of White Roman Catholics. “Left Wing Straw Dogs” are predominantly Jewish and Black organizations. Both must be grounded upon false, unbiblical, religious philosophies (Marxist Socialist-Communism and Socialist-Communist, anti-White Black Theology) commanded to drive the White Sheeple over the borders of constitutional limitations and down into the precipice of absolute Jesuit fascism as was done to post WWI German Whites: White Jesuit-led General David Petraeus may well replace Mulatto President Barry Davis Obama—the Black/Mulatto Socialist-Communist!
The third false enemy/”straw dog” is the American Muslims, both domestic and foreign born. Now, not one Muslim belongs on US soil even as not one Roman Catholic belongs on US soil. Both peoples belong to geopolitical religious organizations whose doctrines call for the systematic conversion or the ordered killing of Jews and non-Roman Catholic/non-Muslim, Reformation Bible-believing peoples. America’s Reformation Bible-based, White Protestant Constitution was never written to protect any person whose religion advocated such bloody and damnable doctrines and deeds! Religious tolerance, coupled with freedom of conscience, speech and press, are uniquely White Protestant and White Baptist maxims drawn from the Reformation Bible—the Word of God. Now, this third, Vatican-created enemy not only must be Muslim, but it also must be composed of American Blacks and foreigners (Blacks and Arabs) with dark eyes, skin and hair. The enemy must be identifiable by both race and religion, not just religion alone. Therefore, it is for this reason that the Order has used its Knight of Malta-directed CIA/Mafia Crime Syndicate to flood every major city with illicit drugs—especially in the Black communities: the Majority Gangland Savage Black males just love that easy drug money! Then the Order has used its congressional agents to pass a host of drug laws by which hundreds of thousands of Black males can be arrested, incarcerated and then imbibed with the violent and hateful doctrines of the Order’s Masonic Black Nation of Islam (NOI). At present, the American NOI—in league with the New Black Panthers—is the fastest growing religion among American Blacks and for good reason: there is a coming race war and they are to launch it just as the Order’s Black “Mau Mau” launched its race war against British Whites in Kenya during the 1950s. Martial law will be the justifiable outcome as was the case in Kenya. And it is from Kenya that we get the Black/Mulatto/Socialist-Communist Barry Davis Obama!
The fourth false enemy/”straw dog” are the Alien Roman Catholic Latino/Mexican Invaders. Approximately 40 million of these criminals are now in the US. They have taken over parts of California, Arizona and New Mexico, as well as demanding “the return of their stolen land.” Meanwhile, the CFR-controlled federal government, whether Republican or Democratic, has refused to enforce federal immigration laws while secretly working with King Juan Carlos’ Bush Crime Family-led, Mexican Drug Cartel and its street gangs. The Cartel and its gangs are to provide the soldiers and weapons for the invaders, while the Whites are politically helpless to prevent this continued lawless outrage. Thus, the fourth false enemy/ “straw dog” created by the federal government speaks a foreign language (Spanish), is easily identifiable with its darker skin, eyes and hair. It is Socialist-Communist and abides in the “Left Wing” faction of this dialectic, as do the other three false enemy/ “straw dogs” created and controlled by the Order ruling the Federal Government. And yes, Mulatto/Black, Socialist-Communist Muslim President Barry Davis Obama completely backs these Mexican/Latino Roman Catholic Alien invaders as he is merely doing the bidding of his White Papal Master in Rome.
With this background, we can now understand the true reasons for the present agitation calling for the building of a huge Mosque in New York City on the site of the demolished World Trade Center. Two “straw dogs” are involved here. First is “the Islamic enemy,” the one that, according to the wicked 911 Commission, attacked downtown New York City on 11 September 2001, and demolished the WTC—while we know it was a black-op carried out by Edward Cardinal Egan’s Knight of Malta DCI George J. Tenet. The other straw dog is “the Jewish enemy,” for it was several Jews who financially benefited from 911 (Larry Silverstein) and it is now a Jew pushing for the building of the Mosque (Mayor Michael Bloomberg). What we are not told is these Jews are merely “Hofjuden” (Court Jews) for Rome, connected to the Archbishop of New York City via his Council on Foreign Relations. And Barry Davis Obama’s wife is a member of that CFR!
In conclusion, these four false enemies—whose Masonic leaders are in the lap of Rome and personified in Black Prince Hall Rite Freemason Barry Davis Obama—have been designed against a specific people in order to unify that specific people. That specific people is first racially White. For all four enemies are not racially White save the physical descendants of the two sons of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh), as his wife was a White Egyptian. Secondly, that specific people is Roman Catholic in religion. For the White Roman Catholics have always been the religious enemy of Jews and Muslims evidenced by the Pope’s Crusades, Spanish and Roman Inquisitions, and the Roman Catholic Third Reich. And with approximately 80 million White Roman Catholics in North America, there will be plenty of “the faithful” to enforce the Pope’s unfolding Jesuit Fascism. (The recently outrageous rhetoric of Jesuit Brother Mel Gibson against the “niggers” and “the Jews” is part of the plot!) Enraged against the four enemies (not to mention the sodomites) these White Roman Catholics will be aided and abetted by millions of apostate White Protestants and Baptists having united with Rome ecumenically for the last 100 years. A foremost leader in promoting that political and theological unity is Fox News pundit, White Mormon Glenn Beck!

Otto von Bismarck: Bible-believing Chancellor of the Protestant Second Reich; Expelled the Jesuits (1872) and Enfranchised 550,000 Jews (1873)
Update: A comment from Count Vittorio Vivaldi III of Venice:
[Makes sense as at that time there was a strong Protestant presence in Prussia’s Protestant Second Reich, created by Protestant Lutherans Chancellor Otto von Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm I, which blessed the Jews of Germany as a matter of policy. EJP]
“I have many acquaintances in Germany who boast about lampshades and making of Jewish soaps when they drink their beer. They laugh and laugh and fall to the floor laughing and drunk, unaware of the Jesuit plot. One of these Germans, said ‘If I fell down and tripped, because I forgot to tie my shoe-laces, I would still blame the Jews for it.’ EXTREME HATRED. And [Jesuit Brother Mel] Gibson has turned into a God in Germany.”
Update: August 3, 2010
New York Mosque near 911 site has been given approval to be built. Rome’s “Court Jew” Mayor Michael Bloomberg will be blamed for this by the outraged White Roman Catholics of the city. More baiting the Jews while driving all Whites into Jesuit Fascism. To read the whole article see this link.