EJP Replies to Jewess Daisy: Rome’s Kingdom of Jerusalem and Temple Mount
There are a few things you must know.
1. The Jesuit Papacy is now in control of Jerusalem and owns the Temple Mount. Since September, 1993, Rome has been in a position to build the Third Hebrew Temple—the Papacy’s ancient dream since the Pope was given universal Spiritual Power by the wicked Byzantine Emperor Phocas in 606 AD. The Pope’s original attempt to take Jerusalem from the Emperor of Constantinople was his creation of Islam in 610 AD. Yes, the Koran was written in Rome and Muhammad was trained by Augustinian priests in North Africa. The religion of Islam is nothing more than Romanism for Arabs.
Following the death of Muhammad, Omar became Caliph and took Jerusalem in 637 AD. Omar then began the building of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. By the end of the 8th century, Mecca refused to give Jerusalem to the Vatican calling the Pope an “infidel.” As a result, Rome launched her bloody Nine Crusades beginning in 1095 AD, attempting to finalize the taking of Jerusalem for the Pope. By 1291 AD, the Mamlukes drove the Pope’s Roman Catholic Knights Templars from Acre ending the “Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem” having existed for nearly 200 years. But Rome swore to re-establish the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem through which she would then gain control of “the holy city.” Once in control of Jerusalem populated by resident Jews, the Vatican power could then build the Third Hebrew Temple—for the final Pope, to be murdered and risen from the dead to be the Antichrist/Man-Beast (Revelation 13:3-10; 17:10; Daniel 7:8, 11)—fulfilling the ancient prophecy of the Babylonian Messiah symbolized by the risen Phoenix.
To build the Third Hebrew Temple—Rome’s ancient dream—there must be a reborn “Kingdom of Jerusalem” (Israel) in which must reside millions of Jews to serve as a buffer against the “wild-men” Arab Muslims for the building of the Temple. If there is no Kingdom of Jerusalem populated with racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites, there can be no building of the Third Temple, as Muslim domination of Jerusalem as well as the land of Canaan would prevent said building. To cleverly decrease the resident Muslim population in the present Kingdom of Jerusalem, tens of thousands of “Palestinians” are being brought into the US, they to be used as “terrorists” and eventually rounded up by the forces of an American White fascist dictator then to be sent to the Empire’s concentration camps along with the tens of millions of alien Roman Catholic Mexican/Latino Invaders.
2. By 1540 Satan’s Jesuit Order was wedded into the tottering Papacy. Its foremost purpose was to take Jerusalem from the Muslim Saracens; its second purpose was to destroy the Protestant Reformation and all governments born out of that wonderful dawning of Biblical truth regularly read in the language of the common man thereby ending the Pope’s Dark Ages (606-1648) and birthing “the Modern Era” (1648). This is why Ignatius Loyola made a voyage to Jerusalem before he created the military Jesuit Order—the New Knights Templars. He sought to set up his headquarters in “the holy city” but was thwarted in his plan. This is one of the reasons why the prominent Dominican priest Melchoir Cano called the Jesuits the “forerunners of the Antichrist.”
3. By 1800 the Napoleonic Wars were in full swing. Napoleon was advised by Jesuit Abbey Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, the second Consul of the three-man Consulate. The Order used its Masonic Napoleon Bonaparte I to invade Egypt and kill the Mamluke bodyguard of the Sultan of Cairo during the Battle of the Pyramids. This was pure Jesuit vengeance against the Mamlukes for driving the Templars out of Acre in 1291. Napoleon then invaded Palestine in 1799, as he sought to make it a homeland for the Jews. (Yes, Napoleon was the Order’s first Masonic Labor Zionist!) But the Order failed in its quest; the taking of Jerusalem from the Islamic Ottoman Empire would have to wait another 120 years.
4. By 1922 the Order’s World War I (the opening act of the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War, 1914-1945) had ended the Sunni/Islamic Ottoman Empire and created a “Homeland” for the world’s Jews—via the Masonic Balfour Declaration. The English Rothschilds—“the keepers of the Vatican Treasury”—would begin to finance the repopulating of the land of Israel with Jews, but not enough to create a revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Therefore, Rome launched “Act Two” of her Second Thirty Years’ War with Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939. Jesuit Coadjutors Hitler and Stalin would work together, financed by the Knights of Malta in London and New York City, to murder all the Jews of the historic “Pale of Settlement” first established by Russia’s Jesuit protectoress, Catherine II “the Great.” When Hitler and Stalin were finished purging “the Settlement,” over three million Jews had gone to their graves. This collusion between Jesuit-trained Hitler and Jesuit-trained Stalin explains why the Nazi Gestapo/SD and the Bolshevik NKVD worked together in purging Roman Catholic Poland of all her true nationalists and military leaders from 1939 to 1941 via the Katyn Massacre. This is why Stalin refused to listen to his spies reporting on the massive German buildup on Russia’s western border in preparation for “Operation Barbarossa”—the Order’s crusade against the “perfidious” Jews and “heretic” Orthodox peoples of Russia/USSR. Stalin had already starved to death over seven million “heretic” Christian Orthodox Ukrainians during “the Great Terror” of the 1930s directed by his Jesuit adviser, Alexander Poskrebyshev: his collaboration with Hitler would finish off millions more of Russian Orthodox nationalists, including Russia’s greatest general, Orthodox Christian Andre Vlasov—betrayed by Hitler and murdered by Stalin in General Poskrebyshev’s Lubyanka.
5. By 1945 over 6 million Jews had been “extirpated” from Eurasia pursuant to the Jesuit Oath of the Fourth Vow, a “burnt offering” deemed necessary by the Jesuit Papacy for two reasons:
A. To purge Europe of its “perfidious” Jews, its “heretic” Protestants and its “liberal”/nationalistic Roman Catholics so as to enable the Jesuit Papacy to re-unite Europe under the Temporal Power of the Pope thus restoring the “Holy Roman Empire” centered in a Jew-free/Protestant-free, Roman Catholic Germany. (Yes, the creation of “East Germany” after the war was to enable Jesuit Stalin to totally destroy every vestige of the Protestant Reformation in Germany via massive deportations of Lutherans to Siberia!) For whoever controls Germany controls Europe; and whoever controls Europe controls the world!
B. To create the desire of surviving European Jews to return to their ancient homeland of Israel, many of those Jews being non-religious, atheistic, socialist-communist Labor Zionists. There would be no room for the Orthodox Jews or Jabotinsky’s truly nationalistic, anti-papal, Irgun-backed, Revisionist Zionists—only Labor Zionists loyal to the Pope of Rome, i.e., Ben-Gurion, Weizmann, Kastner, Meir, etc.
6. By 1948 Israel would be created by Rome’s Labor Zionists, backed by Rome’s United Nations and recognized by the Black Pope’s two most powerful political Freemasons, “Dirty” Harry Truman and “Uncle Joe” Stalin, on the same day—May 14, 1948. The Jesuit Papacy’s dream was coming true: a revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem was now a reality. To prevent its destruction, Rome would use her “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire to guarantee the security of Pius XII’s Kingdom of Jerusalem. To unite the Jews of every country now returning to Israel, they would need a common enemy: thus, Rome would openly back the Muslim Arabs (“Palestinians”) yet secretly back her Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists. This is yet another example of Rome pursuing two policies: the first, open but false; the second, secret but true. Meanwhile, Jerusalem would be retained in Muslim hands via Rome’s Masonic Abdullah I, King of Jordan—assassinated in 1951 for planning to enter into a peace treaty with Israel.
7. By 1967 the Six-Day War would put Jerusalem into the hands of the Pope’s Labor Zionists ruling the Kingdom of Jerusalem for the Jesuit Papacy. Ten days later, Rome’s Moshe Dayan of Israel gave back the Temple Mount to the Arab Muslims to the utter chagrin of the Jews; none of the common, patriotic Jews could understand the treason without the above understanding. The Temple Mount would be kept by the Muslims, but would legally be in the hands of the Israeli Labor Zionist government—secretly subject to the Pope of Rome.
8. By 1977 the Pope’s Labor Government would pass the anti-missionizing law, forbidding the preaching of the gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ of the Reformation Bible within the borders of Israel. This is tantamount to imposing the Papal decrees of the Dark Ages when the preaching of the true gospel was forbidden by Rome subjecting all transgressors to the penalties of being buried alive or being burned alive in an auto de fe. Further, historic White Protestant nations were insulted as it has been only these nations that have provided the financial support for the re-establishment of the nation of Israel in the first place. No Protestant Reformation, no wealth with which to finance the establishment and maintaining of Rome’s Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Indeed, in furthering the Order’s Counter Reformation, historically middle class, White Protestant peoples were and are being income/excise/privilege taxed to create and support Rome’s Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem—Israel! Because of this law, Israel will never win another war against its Muslim neighbors without help from the Jesuit Papacy ruling the “superpowers.” This law further empowers the well-nigh irresistible rule of Satan’s Jesuit Papacy over the hamstrung Israeli people.

10. Presently, a war is being fomented against Israel by the Jesuit Papacy, but it is not intended to destroy the nation or kill all of the Kingdom’s Jews. Never!!! This war has several other purposes, a few of them being:
A. To destroy the Temple Mount mosques enabling the Black Pope’s Masonic Knights Templars to rebuild the Temple—for the Vatican;
B. To unite the Muslim World against the apostate Protestant American Empire, as America will be cleverly blamed for the destruction of the Temple Mount Mosques as well as Mecca and Medina during the presently unfolding 12th Crusade (the first nine crusades are openly led by the Vatican’s Papal Knighthoods; the tenth crusade is led by Jesuit-led French Napoleon I, the eleventh crusade is led by Great Britain’s Knight of Malta King George V in command of Masonic General Allenby who takes Jerusalem from the Turks in 1917, and the twelfth crusade was ignited by America’s Skull and Bonesman President George W. Bush overseeing CIA Director Knight of Malta George J. Tenet who in turn managed the entire 911 terrorist event;
C. To provide a new protector for the Pope’s Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem—the European Union! This protection will bring God’s blessing of Genesis 12:1-3 upon the Pope’s European Union, while America, in abandoning the Jews of Israel and sending over six million North American Jews to concentration camps, will bring upon herself God’s curse of that same passage.
D. To align the Muslim world with the Order’s USSR in preparation for the future Gog of Magag invasion of Israel near the end of the first half of the 70th week of years of the prophet Daniel (Daniel 9:27; Ezekiel 38:8).
In light of the above, Israel will not be destroyed by any war in the present of in the future. Israel will remain a nation long after the US is invaded and partitioned by our coming Sino-Soviet-Muslim coalition armies. Thus Barry Chamish is dead wrong in teaching that Israel is going to be destroyed. That, dear Daisy, is quite out of the question of possibility. Satan must needs to have the presence of a nation of Israel to fulfill his destiny via the Antichrist (II Thessalonians 2:4); and the Messiah of Israel must have a nation of Israel in order to fulfill the prophecies of Zechariah 12-14, etc. Again, if the Bible is true, Israel cannot and will not be destroyed during this present 12th Crusade, this present Third Thirty Years’ War—ignited by the Jesuit Papacy for the ultimate benefit of the Pope of Rome and his revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Indeed, Barak and Peres are agents for Rome. They take their orders from the Archbishop of New York City as he controls the CFR and as he is directed by the Jesuits of Fordham University. (Remember that Jesuit Joseph A. O’Hare, the former president of Jesuit Fordham University, is also a “Presider” of the CFR as is papal knight David Rockefeller presently living in Italy!) To disobey the Order’s plans for Israel is to face the same fate of Freemason Yitzhak Rabin. Jerusalem must be an international city, never to be the exclusive property of Israel—that is if the Jesuit Papacy has its way. But Jerusalem must be inhabited by Jews, Israel must exist with resident Jews and a Third Temple must be built if the Messianic prophecies are to be literally fulfilled.
It is because of this foremost reason that Israel will never be overwhelmed and destroyed by her enemies. The Count from Venice has stated on my broadcast that the Knights of Malta have a hospital in southern Lebanon that backs Hezbollah. Without the Jesuit Papacy there is no Hamas or Hezbollah.
Obama is indeed Pope Benedict XVI’s poodle. Just see my website article titled “Obama’s White Papal Masters.” Mulatto Islamic Freemason Barry Davis Obama is the poodle of White Roman Catholic Joe Biden, Biden being a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor with two honorary degrees from two Jesuit universities in Pennsylvania. At this time, events are being shaped so as to incite Islamic fury against Israel leading to an attack. This is precisely what Rome wants. When that attack commences, the US will intervene militarily. The resultant scenario has been explained.
I trust this is helpful.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric