EJP Replies to Black Mrs. Brandy’s Knee-Jerk Reaction to Biblical Racial Separation

Thank you for contacting me.
Apparently you do not listen to my daily broadcast Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy on Liberty Radio Live.
It seems that you have the typical, anti-White, American Civil Black, knee-jerk reaction to my Biblical solution of racial separation with regard to the present hatefully racist, anti-White, pro-Black policies imposed upon the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Baptist peoples of America.
Your statement that my hope for the world did not include you because you are Black. Please find one place on my website where I made such a statementjust one. My hope for the world is the risen Lord Jesus Christ. He saves both Blacks and Whites via his gospel as per I Corinthians 15:1-6. My solution for my peopleyes, we Whites are a peopleis racial separation into distinct nations, one White and the other Black. Once we Whites have our own nation, we White Anglo-Saxon-Protestants and Baptists must then separate religiously, as no Roman Catholics or Muslims will be allowed into our WASP and Baptist nation. We Whites do have a right to be a people with a distinct nation, just as Lesotho has a right to be an all-Black nation in the midst of violently amalgamated South Africa.
You now ask me if I hate all Black people. Clearly you have not read much on my site, for I defend Toussaint LOuverture, the Black hero of Haiti as well as Marcus Garvey, the Black national hero of Jamaica, as well as Malcolm Xassassinated by the powers of Francis Cardinal Spellman, he directing the Black Nation of Islam, the FBI and the New York City Police Department. This is all over my site. I post the messages of Black Pastor David Manning, several videos of Malcolm X, one video of Steve Cokley, etc.
Further, why are you offended when I speak of the Majority Savage Blacks as opposed to the Minority Civil Blacks? I defend Minority Civil Black Tiger Woods against the White whores who seduced him, have I not? I defend the Black former IRS Agent Sherry Jackson [above] who was imprisoned for her exposure of the IRS, have I not?
But I attack with all my might the Majority Savage Blacks who have ruined every major American city with their high crimes and misdemeanors. These MSBs kill at least 10 Whites a day and rape 100 White women every day in this country. Should I not be incensed about this behavior? Apparently, you are not angry about all this Black-on-White crime as we Whites were incensed about the White-on-Black crime during the Civil Rights Movement.
Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth and provide Biblical solutions in order to avoid the Orders coming race war?
Your place, Brandy, is living in your own Black country with your own Black people in a new nation somewhere here in North America. Diversity is perversity. Jefferson said himself that both races equally free could not live under the same government. And God, after the Great Flood, separated mankind first by race, then by language and finally by continental divide. Africa is best for you, but second best is a new Black nation here in North America.
Your hatefully racist, knee-jerk, anti-White attack has offended me and I request an apology before we have any further communication. Once you apologize, then we can restore a dialog that will benefit both of us tempered with respect for one anothers race, language, culture and national origin.
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric
Dear Eric,
I came across your article, well actually it was a transcript of an interview promoting your new book, and it was a delightful read. However, when i visited your website I was disappointed. I didnt realize that your truths and your hope for the world didnt include me because well Im black. So do you hate all black people, or just the savages that you so graciously described in your articles on the internet. Its a shame because I wanted to share what I had read with my friends who come from all over the place but it seems to me that my place is back in the cotton field or better yet, the rough and rugged land of Africa.
Thank you for your time.
Brandy Cole