Angels and Demons: Jesuit Illuminati Destroying the Papacy

The movie Angels and Demons suggests the future destruction of the Pope’s Sovereign State of Vatican City which has become synonymous with its host, the ancient city of Rome. Whenever anyone thinks of Rome, he immediately thinks of the Vatican and St. Peter’s Square. That we may be clear as to the future of Vatican City, according to a literal reading of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” (the final book of the New Testament), only the European “Ten Kings,” yet to arise in world history (Rev. 17:12-17), will destroy Rome with its Vatican City. These “Ten Kings” will destroy Rome with “fire” (17:16), fire generated by the weapons of the “Ten Kings.” Thus, Rome will be destroyed by man-made fire after the final Roman Papal Caesar/”Seventh King” of the Revived Roman Empire (European Union) is murdered, then restored to life to be the “Eighth King,”—the Man-Beast/the Antichrist (Rev. 13:3-10). Until that time, Rome and thus Vatican City are indestructible. The destruction and incineration of “the Eternal City” by man-made fire will take place immediately after the murdered Pope—given the wound of death by a sword (Rev 13:3, 12, 14)—rises from the dead, then possessed by Satan, to be the Antichrist. Rest assured, the Luciferian/Illuminatus/Freemasonic Black Pope and his Ten Assistants professed of the Fourth Vow have the plan in blueprint, but surely know it cannot be implemented until the beginning of the 42-month reign of the prophesied “risen Vicar of Christ/Vicar of Horus,”—the risen Pope, the risen “Seventh King” turned “Eighth King”—The Man-Beast/Antichrist.
Angels and Demons was written by Dan Brown, an obvious Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor with powerful connections in Hollywood, its most influential organizer in the 1930s having been Knight of Malta Joseph P. Kennedy—the father of the Kennedy Klan. Brown has an inside knowledge of the workings of the papacy and Opus Dei (evidenced by his The Da Vinci Code, another movie featuring actor Tom Hanks—raised a Roman Catholic for the first ten years of his life by his Roman Catholic, Portuguese-American mother), as well as Illuminized Freemasonry. Brown’s theme story for The Da Vinci Code was taken from Holy Blood, Holy Grail authored by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. As an aside, Baigent is a Roman Catholic Freemason and Grand Officer of the United Grand Lodge of England—thus a subject of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, first cousin of Dame of Malta Queen Elizabeth II, “princess consort” of Pope Benedict XVI.
Angels and Demons was directed by Ron Howard, another high-level, American Freemason with ties to Hollywood since the days he played the part of little boy “Opie Taylor” in “The Andy Griffith Show.” Having also directed the blasphemous The Da Vinci Code (i.e., that the Lord Jesus Christ was not the Son of God, that he never died and rose again—openly Islamic-Koranic/Judaistic-Talmudic Antichrist doctrines (I John 4:1-3), Howard and Hanks may well produce more prophetic movies for their masters, the Jesuits ruling the Vatican serving the false, pagan, White Gentile “Jesus Christ” created by Constantine in 325 AD depicted on the devilish “crucifix.”
The plot of the movie Angels and Demons centers around a young Irish priest dressed in a black cassack—giving the appearance that he is a Jesuit, the “Demon” of the movie. Priest Patrick McKenna the Illuminatus, holding the office of “Camerlengo, ” officiates on behalf of murdered Pope Pius XVI, secretly the biological father of McKenna who in fact poisoned his father, the pope. Escaping to reality, the Camerlengo must always be a Cardinal: he oversees the administration of the properties and revenues of the pope’s International Vatican Empire—in other words, the Camerlengo is an agent of the Jesuit Superior General because these properties and revenues belong to the Society of Jesus alone! So the young, Jesuit Camerlengo dressed in black (the Demon), while instructing the red-dressed Cardinals in Conclave deliberating over the election of a new pope (the Angels), must be very entertaining to the top Illuminati Jesuits overseeing the Vatican from Borgo Santo Spirito, their military headquarters in Rome. (Yes, the Jesuit Order is “the Borg” of Star Trek!)
According to the book (not the movie), the Camerlengo, using the name “Janus,” hires “Hassassin” to carry out the murders of four Cardinals preferred for the office of the Pope. “Hassassin” is an Arab Muslim of Middle Eastern descent and openly complains of the murders of his ancestors by the “Crusaders.” The Jesuits have always sported two faces depicted by the two-faced Janus. The Order, given any topic, always has an outward but false policy, while vigorously pursuing a secret but true policy. Thus, the open but false policy of the Illuminati-Jesuit Camerlengo is to save the papacy, while his secret but true policy is to destroy it—identical to the policies of the Illuminati- Society of Jesus!
But “Janus” and “Hassassin” may have reference to a future plot of infamy! Could the “Hassassin” of the book (not the movie) Angels and Demons (released in 2000) refer to the future Nidal Hasan who would assassinate 14 people (including the baby in the womb of one of the victims) at Fort Hood Army Base in Texas on Jesuit Assassin Guy Fawkes Day—November 5, 2009?
Janus” who hired “Hassassin” be none other than Vice President Joseph Biden, the “Irish Camerlengo” and successor to the abominable Dick Cheney here in the U.S., Biden holding honorary degrees from two Jesuit Universities in Pennsylvania? Since Hasan was on President Obama’s transition team within the Department of Homeland (“Romeland”) Security, could it be that the White Irish-American Roman Catholic Joseph Biden—serving as the “two-faced Camerlengo” for Pope Benedict XVI in the U.S. (as well as the “alter ego” of Freemasonic-Muslim U.S. President, Mulatto Barry Davis Obama)—was the mastermind behind Hasan’s mass-murder of U.S. troops at Fort Hood? Was not Hasan, like “Hassassin,” of Arab Middle Eastern descent who complained of the killing of Arab Iraqi people by the American “Crusaders?” The parallels are striking and worth investigating by the Department of Justice—a DOJ unbridled by the Jesuits of Georgetown University!
The movie Angels and Demons begins with the theft of “anti-matter” produced by a laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva, has been under Jesuit rule since no later than 1850. Expelled from Switzerland in 1847 for fomenting a Civil War against the Protestants, the Order regained its supremacy shortly thereafter. As of 1878, the Coat of Arms of Geneva has included part of the seal of the Jesuit General—”IHS.” Thus, we understand why Geneva is one of Europe’s foremost banking cities, and why Switzerland is virtually immune to any continental war. The pope’s bodyguard protecting the Sovereign State of Vatican City is recruited from Switzerland and titled “the Swiss Guard,” also prominent in the movie.
The plot unfolds with Langdon on the “Path of Illumination” which involve four religious sites where the four kidnapped Cardinals—one of the four men preferred to replace the late pope—are to be murdered. Each Cardinal is branded with the name of one of the four elements of Greek mythology in this order: “earth,” “wind,” “fire” and “water.” At the first location, the first Cardinal is murdered with dirt forced into his mouth symbolizing “earth”—while having been branded on the chest with the word “earth” in gothic lettering. The second Cardinal at the second location will be stabbed in the lungs symbolizing “wind”—branded with the word “wind” on his chest. The third Cardinal at the third location is suspended over a fire, eventually falling into the flame—with the word “fire” branded on his chest. And the fourth Cardinal, bound and gagged, is pushed into a fountain at the fourth location symbolizing “water”—with “water” branded on his chest, but he (according to the movie and not the book) is saved from death in a moment of time by Professor Robert Langdon!
The four Illuminati sites are most important as they relate to the history of the Jesuit Order—and its master artist, Gian Lorenzo Bernini! On excellent terms with Jesuit Superior General John Paul Oliva and having crafted the bust of King Louis XIV of France—the Order’s “Sun King” and mass-murderer of the Protestant Calvinist Huguenots, Bernini’s works are to be found at all four locations! The first location is Chigi Chapel in which the movie portrays a winged statue, half man/half beast. That statue foretells the coming of the “Man-Beast” of Revelation 13:3-10, “The Antichrist” of I John 2:18. In the chapel are two of Bernini’s works: the sculpture “Habakkuk and the Angel,” and the facial medallion added to the Egyptian pyramid on the tomb of Vatican banker Agustino Chigi. Thus, this first location for murder is couched in Illuminati-Jesuit artistry.
The second location for Illuminati-Jesuit ritual murder on the “Path of Illumination” is St. Peter’s Square—that occult design laid out by Jesuit Bernini. But the murder takes place at the “West Ponente”—West Point—in the Square and the Cardinal who is murdered is a Black man. Could it be that the Jesuits directing the plot of the movie injected this detail to indicate the fall of the West—the U.S.—and the extermination all 60,000,000 Blacks therein? Again, the murder of this Black Cardinal transpires
in Jesuit Bernini’s St. Peter’s Square.
The third location on “The Path of Jesuit Illumination” is the Cornaro Chapel within the small basilica church in Rome, Santa Maria della Vittoria. Therein is Jesuit Bernini’s sculpture titled “Ecstasy of St. Theresa,” she, according to some recent critics, experiencing “a toe-curling orgasm.” It is the fire of sexual passion in which the third Cardinal is burned alive by real “fire.”
The fourth location discovered by Professor Langdon is the Piazza Novona. In its midst is the “Fountain of the Four Rivers” also designed by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Bernini! The monument speaks to the world united under the rule of the Pope—the final Pope, murdered and risen from the dead to be the risen “Horus,” the promised Babylonian Messiah. The rivers are the Nile (South), the Danube (North), the Ganges (East) and the Rio del Plata (West).
Obviously, all four locations of Langdon’s “Path of Illumination” is dominated by the art of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Gian Bernini. The foremost Baroque artifacts in Rome are all made by the hand of the demon-possessed Bernini at the direction of the Jesuits ruling the papacy in the 1650s.
But there is one more giveaway proving the Society of Jesus is the “Illuminati” of Angels and Demons. The “Path of Illumination” ends where? at none other than the Castle of St. Angelo—the monument to the incarceration of Jesuit Superior General Lorenzo Ricci. For it was here the “Father General” was imprisoned after the Company was suppressed and extinguished with a papal Bull in 1773 by Pope Clement XIV. It was here General Ricci, after decreeing the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt, gave his final orders before he perished in 1775—the very year our Protestant and Baptist-Calvinist, Bible-based American Revolution commenced! It is here, the Castle of St. Angelo, that was the end of the road for the master of the Jesuit-Illuminati in 1775.
In summary, Angels and Demons foretells the future destruction of Vatican City by the Luciferian-Illuminati Society of Jesus. When recalling the several Popes who were murdered at the command of the Superior General over the last 450 years; the Order’s War on the Papacy beginning with the French Revolution and ending with the Company’s formal restoration (1789-1814)—the warring response to Pope Clement XIV’s Bull of Suppression and Extinction that was to be “forever” (1773); the Order’s poisoning of Pope John Paul I via high-level Freemasons within the Vatican proven by David Yallop’s In God’s Name (1984), and Jesuit Malachi Martin’s exposure of the Order’s intrigue against the Roman Hierarchy while in plenary control of the “Holy See” as set forth in Martin’s The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church, (1987), it is no surprise the elite Illuminati Jesuits ruling the Order at its pyramid apex eagerly anticipate the destruction of Rome.